Weekly meetings held | 4 |
Minutes per meeting | 60 |
People per meeting | 7 |
People hourly rate | $50 |
Number of meetings | 17 |
Total meeting minutes | 1,020 |
Total participant minutes | 7,140 |
Cost per meeting | $350 |
This comparison shows people cost and potential savings for groups of 7 people who meet 4 times per week for 60 minutes per meeting.
If you... | Organization cost | Monthly savings |
do nothing | $5,950 | N/A |
save 5 minutes per meeting | $5,454 | $496 |
cut 1 meeting per week | $4,200 | $1,750 |
invite 1 less person | $5,100 | $850 |
do all of the above | $3,300 | $2,650 |
Last updated: 11/14/2015
To learn more about the variables and rules used to calculate these costs, see our blog post Measuring the Cost and Value of Meetings: Part II - People Costs. To report errors or suggest additions to this calculator, Contact Us.