Understand Your Organization's Meeting Performance

Every day your employees run meetings that either move your business forward and create a positive workplace culture–or they endure meetings that hurt your results and alienate people.
Get Specific and Take Action
If your employee engagement surveys indicate meetings are doing more harm than good, it's time to take action. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you:
- Benchmark your meeting practices against the best.
- Identify your best options for quick wins and longer term gains.
- Engage your organization in collaboratively designing meetings that increase engagement and improve performance.
- Move past all the vague complaints towards a measurable plan for success.
A Four-Part Diagnostic
Meetings are complex, touching all parts of an organization. Knowing this, our proprietary diagnostic process is designed to be efficient—but not reckless. A full diagnostic includes:
1. Employee Surveys
Our unique, online survey / questionnaire to highlight the areas of meeting performance where your organization excels and where you should focus improvement efforts.

2. Meeting Observations
Meeting observations completed by trained observers who document what's really happening in your meetings, helping everyone see the specific behaviors causing concern.
To get the biggest impact, we will train a group of your employees to "see meetings" and complete the observations. This keeps your meetings private and gets your team directly involved in your meeting improvement effort right from the start. When complete, these observations form the basis for calculating meeting ROI.
3. Personal Interviews
Interviews and focus groups that uncover your team's best ideas and stories about the meetings they want to see in your organization.>
4. Resource Inventory
An inventory of current resources to uncover underutilized resources you already have (e.g., training, equipment, personnel) that need to be put to work and any missing resources you'll need to achieve your performance goals.
Clear Results Leading to Meaningful Action
The diagnostic results include an executive summary that will show how to:
- Performance: Establish clear expectations for meetings.
- Engagement: Engage employees in taking shared ownership for meeting results.
- Success: Make meetings more fun, more productive, and a meaningful driver of your organization's desired culture.
Ready to bring meeting excellence to your team?
Client Results
The amount of time spent in meetings translates into big money for today's companies. (...) I can say with confidence that there is no single investment of this magnitude that an organization makes that is treated in such a cavalier manner; where so few resources are allocated to assessing, evaluating, and working to improve meetings.
~Dr. Steven D. Rogelberg, The Surprising Science of Meetings
We are very happy with the recommendations and observations report and feel that you are completely on the right track when it comes to our biggest potential.
~ Leader at an International Retailer
Your guidance had an incredible impact on my team’s productivity. We resolve problems in real time, the daily huddles are incredible for connecting, and its made our strategic meetings more meaningful. Teasing our operations and strategy discussions apart has been a game changer, and I can't thank you guys enough!
~ Edwina Crawford, Director of Aboriginal Services NSW