Description of the Template and Guide
Love, hate, hubris, and anxiety - Robert's Rules inspires strong feelings and opinions in those who have come to know them. Regardless of how anyone might feel about Robert's Rules, we still see this pillar of parliamentary procedure listed as the fall-back in board and organizational bylaws. If in doubt about how to proceed, they say, use Robert's Rules.
This Robert's Rules of Order agenda sets up a draft agenda based on the Standard Order of Business listed in Robert's Rules. This is a solid framework for those board and committee meetings where you just don't know where to start and want to make sure you don't leave anything out.
A technical note: The meeting agenda shown here includes only those items in the Standard Order of Business. The online meeting agenda template for use in Lucid Meetings includes two additional agenda items, one at the beginning of the meeting for welcoming the group and establishing quorum, and one at the end for officially ending the meeting.
19-page Facilitator's Guide with tips, step-by-step instructions, & resources
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